Tuesday, March 1, 2011



If he walk side by side
Oh, God!
They make a scandal
Oh, God!
Angel or demon
Oh, God!
I hate the stereotypes

I told you what I hate more
The ability that some one has
To classify to the people by their trail
And not for what they are,
It is like a church in a hot Sunday
Ticking to outsiders by sinner
When the night of the last Friday
The Pastor left of a brothel
Where?, where is the word of God?
Where?, where? Tell us

If he walk side by side
Oh, God!
They make a scandal
Oh, God!
Angel or demon
Oh, God!
I hate the stereotypes

Or those who claim to be saints
And put down to that male
Because he have kissed a good man
And he liked again,
But the funniest thing about all this
It is that saint man
They saw him in that club
Drinking of all
He say to be saint
But he is not
Cause they are dirty
And so guilty.

They have told me fornicator
A young man, father of a baby
They have told me lustful
A divorced man too
They have told me sorcerer
A Pastor who bury a bible in the ground
They have told me thief
A minister

I'm sorry if I am forthright
But I use their gun
Like they have done with us.

If he walk side by side
Oh, God!
They make a scandal
Oh, God!
Angel or demon
Oh, God!
I hate the stereotypes

Album: New World Order.

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