You want to know what it comes,
My history is hilarious,
Because if I go with someone new
That shouldn’t be of your business fool.
I hear voices in the hall
Judging my behavior,
But you don’t have any right to make it,
You’re not God or something like this.
It’s enough with my name
You shouldn’t know more than this,
Because I have my privacy
Like a right basically.
Silence and mute words
Today I gonna give you on,
Because you’re nothing to come asking
And spreading it like you want it.
I want to know your example
Is it better than my soul?
Don’t push me a little time
If you don’t have time.
And if I reveal your dirty clothes
You would listen to.
Do you have something to say?
What is your advice today?
All of this is a secret
But you want to know it,